Inspiring Thoughts by Illens Dort – Service and Gratitude – Week 5

Inspiring Thoughts by Illens Dort – Service and Gratitude – Week 5

 Today is your day to live and serve others. For tomorrow may never come in this life.” —Illens Dort

In June of 2015, I was in the Dominican Republic with International Aid Serving Kids, a nonprofit organization that focuses on health care and vocational training for people who live in abject poverty in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We had a wonderful week serving together.

On the last day of service, Friday, June 12, I received a text from my wife informing me that our oldest son, Bedford, was in the hospital in intensive care. She explained that he had collapsed while he was in the gym and had to be brought back to life. Luckily for him, he had a friend who was there who started CPR. There was also a doctor in the Gym that worked on him. They also called the paramedic team.

They had to use extensive resuscitation technique to revive him several times while he was in the ambulance. When he got to the hospital and regained consciousness he was wondering where he was and how he got there. He did not recall any of the activity that took place. His ribs were extremely sore due to the extreme pressure they had to apply to get his heart to start beating again. 

He is now doing extremely well. He often joked about the fact that he had a new birth. He celebrates two birthdays—the day he was born and the day he was revived. You may know someone who is dear to you who has left this mortal probation in a “clin d’oeil” (twinkling of an eye). When that happens we often wish we had taken time to let them know how much loved them.

There are opportunities all around us to serve others. We don’t need to travel far. All we need to do is to open our heart and mind and seize the moment. We can serve at home, in our community, and at work. Wherever there are people, there is an opportunity to serve. Serving our fellowmen gives us an opportunity to show gratituce for the blessings of being alive.

Please take a moment to share with us a time when you had received help from someone and the impact it had on you. Or you can share a moment when you had taken time to rescue someone and how that service had blessed you and that person. 

Click on the picture to share your thoughts in the comment field below.

 Thank you for your time!!!  Illens Dort

Inspiring Thoughts by Illens Dort – A GENUINE SMILE – Week 4

Inspiring Thoughts by Illens Dort – A GENUINE SMILE – Week 4

A genuine smile is a gift that we all can share freely.” — Illens Dort

On a beautiful morning, I was on my way to work. I was driving on 800 north in Orem, Utah – east bound. There was a car coming from the opposite direction. In the back seat was sitting a child looking out the window. She kindly waved at me and smiled. The smile was priceless. It was genuine and authentic. I continued to drive. But, I will never forget this kind act. She made my day. I was probably thinking about a long day at work.

While I don’t clearly remember the mood I was in before that moment, I can remember how I felt after she shared her smile. I totally embraced the rest of the day with a much more positive attitude. A child had brightened my day by simply sharing her smile with me. Since that day, I make a practice to share a smile with others as I come in contact with them.

                          We invite you to share your thoughts and let us know how this aphorism and these words have influenced your lives and actions for good this week. May you continue to press forward and spread rays of sunshine until we meet again next week.

Click on the picture to share your thoughts in the comment field below.

 Thank you for your time!!!  Illens Dort

Inspiring Thoughts by Illens Dort – HAPPINESS – Week 3

Inspiring Thoughts by Illens Dort – HAPPINESS – Week 3

“If you are not happy with what you have, you will never be happy with what you don’t have.” — Illens Dort

                          We invite you to share your thoughts and let us know how this aphorism and these words have influenced your lives and actions for good this week. May you continue to press forward and spread rays of sunshine until we meet again next week.

Click on the picture to share your thoughts in the comment field below.

 Thank you for your time!!!  Illens Dort

Inspiring Thoughts by Illens Dort – Weekly Publication – Week 2

Inspiring Thoughts by Illens Dort – Weekly Publication – Week 2

 “It is hard to measure perfection with an imperfect instrument. We are all imperfect instruments that need constant calibration.” —                                                                                                         Illens Dort

             From the comfort of your Internet devices and from the chamber of your hearts and minds, we welcome you this week to Inspiring Thoughts by Illens Dort. We appreciate all the followers who have shared their comments last week. We invite you to continue to impart of your gifts and talents to others. Our goal is to create a forum to lift the lives of those around us, even when some may be miles away from our physical reach.

As a student in the electronic engineering program I learned a very important principle about having the right instrument to measure current, voltage and power etc. Not only was it important to have the right instrument, it was also imperative to make sure that the instrument was properly calibrated. If the instrument was off, the reading was also off. This is also true for a scale. If the scale is off and is not centered to zero, the reading of the weight can’t be accurate.

                As human, we may have a tendency to quickly judge others when we ourselves walk imperfectly. When we try to do a little better in our own lives we can become more patient with others.

             We invite you to share your thoughts and let us know how this aphorism and these words have influenced your lives and actions for good this week. May you continue to press forward and spread rays of sunshine until we meet again next week.

WClick on the picture to share your thoughts in the comment field below.

 Thank you for your time!!!  Illens Dort


Inspiring Thoughts by Illens Dort – Weekly Publication – Week 1

Inspiring Thoughts by Illens Dort – Weekly Publication – Week 1

 “Let the sunshine in your soul keep your body warm while walking in the rain.” —Illens Dort

From the comfort of your Internet devices and from the chamber of your hearts and minds, we welcome you this week to Inspiring Thoughts by Illens Dort. We appreciate all the followers who have shared their comments last week. We invite you to continue to impart of your gifts and talents to others. Our goal is to create a forum to lift the lives of those around us, even when some may be miles away from our physical reach.

As we travel through the journey of life, we often go through hills and valleys. We enjoy sunny days and also experience some cloudy and rainy seasons. We celebrate the birth of precious souls who come to our families. We also mourn at the departure of our loved ones. Some may experience these contrasting feelings during the same season.

 Life offers us some opportunities for success. Life also serves as a laboratory for learning, improvement, and growth. On some occasions, we may find ourselves at the bottom of the hill or trailing behind the long line of fellow travelers and wonder if we will ever catch to them. Other times we may wonder if it is even worth it to keep trying.

During our journey, here in mortality, we may experience days when we feel that this hurricane that seems to always hit our home will never stop. It is during these moments that we need to focus on just the next step, while reaching deep into our souls to find the courage to continue to move forward.  In these moments of difficulties, it is wise to remember that the sunshine that we cultivate in our hearts will always be there to keep us warm and provide the nutrients that our souls need to continue strong on this journey of this mortal life.

Therefore, “Let the sunshine in your soul keep your body warm while walking in the rain.” As we do so, we may also find that we have a little bit extra of sunshine that we can freely share with a friend, a member of our family, or someone we meet on our path.

We invite you to share your thoughts and let us know how this aphorism and these words have influenced your lives and actions for good this week. May you continue to press forward and spread rays of sunshine until we meet again next week. 

Click on the picture to share your thoughts in the comment field below.

 Thank you for your time!!!  Illens Dort