“I have yet to meet a stranger. For, there is none.”

      In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, stranger is defined as “a person or thing that is unknown or with whom one is unacquainted.” The reverse of this definition is also true. Once we take time to know someone or to be acquainted with that person, that person is no longer a stranger. The question remains how long does it take us to know someone?

    Some years ago, I was attending a networking event. There were eight of us at the table. We had not met before. We were given 2 minutes each to share something about us and briefly talk about our businesses. Before we were done, I no longer felt I was in the company of strangers. If within few minutes of interaction with one another I had a different feeling about these people, that also means what I thought of them was only a precipitated judgement. Once I devoted the time to get to know them I was no longer a stranger to them; and them to me. They were friends that I had to cultivate. Changing the way I think of others helps me be more mindful of how I need to treat them.

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Thank you for your time!!!  Illens Dort – authour of Thinking and Acting with a Compassionate Heart. To buy a copy go to https://www.amazon.com/author/Illensdort.