“If we don’t take time to find out the “why”, we will spend a great portion of our time here on earth wondering why.” —Illens Dort
Life is all about people. It is easy to get caught in the “how and what” and forget the “why”. If we don’t take time to find out the “why”, we will spend a great portion of our time here on earth wondering why. Once we know the “why”, we need to find the courage to do it and to stay the course even when the road is rocky and thorny. As we seek to understand the “why” and have a determination to embrace it, we can gain the energy and the will power to know the “how” and to implement the “what”. While each one of us is unique, but there is no singular life. Our “why” is also a piece of other people’s “why”. Their “why” is also a piece of ours. George Burton Adams puts it this way, “We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.”
Some questions to consider : Why do we do what we do? What impact do our actions and behavior have on people around us? Share with us how you discover your “why” and what you do to embrace it?
A great book to read is Start with Why by Simon Sinek.
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Thank you for your time!!! Illens Dort – authour of Thinking and Acting with a Compassionate Heart Amazon.com/author/ILLENSDORT