“Becoming Your Best”

This is the title of a book that my good friend and mentor, Steven Shallenberger, wrote. In that book, Author of the National Best Selling, teaches “The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders.” Wherever you are in life and whatever your passion is, you can benefit from these principles.

I like the active and progressive form of the verb in the title “Becoming”. It indicates an on-going process; a daily and consistent effort. We do our “Best” today. Tomorrow we can strive to do a little better. There are so many great quotes in this book. Let me share this one with you. 

“One of the most effective things you can do to be accountable is to focus on the things you can control rather than on the things you can’t control. When you focus on the things you can’t control, the result is wasted time and energy. 

You can’t control others and you can’t control a number of things around you, but you can control your actions, thoughts, and responses.” 

Time and energy are two of the most valuable commodities and currencies that can help us in our personal and professional growth and development. We don’t want to waste them. What are you doing daily to “Becoming Your Best?” Share with us!

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  Thank you for your time!!!  Illens Dort – authour of Thinking and Acting with a Compassionate Heart. To buy a copy go to https://www.amazon.com/author/Illensdort.