Distraction: It is from Latin distractionem—taking the mind away from one point or course to another. Another definition is “A thing that keeps someone from concentrating on another thing.” Distractions happen so frequently that we sometime don’t pay attention to them. Athletes and other professionals have learned the importance of staying focused on the task at hands. The mind does not multi tasks very well. A lot of productive hours are wasted because of distractions at work.

Here are some examples of distractions that you need to be aware of:

This one happens to me too often. I open my emails to either read new emails or send emails. I look at the unread emails and start deleting them. Emptying my mail box is not bad thing to do. But when I do it when I am supposed to do a task that was scheduled (or a task that had a higher priority), I allow that activity to distract me.

Social media: How can social media be a distraction?

TV: How can watching TV be a distraction?

Chat: How can that be a distraction?

The list of distractions can go on and on. I challenge you this week to pay attention to the distractions in your lives. When you assign a time to a task, stick to the assignment. It is easy to do fun things in the place of the things you have to do.

Time is a currency of exchange and growth. It is given to all of us equally. We can either spend it or invest it. Time spent does not pay dividends. Time invested pays dividends and compounds. Getting distracted in doing fun things or things we did not assign time to is a great way to spend time. Being disciplined and remaining focused on the task before us is a great way to invest our time.

As you catch yourself in the distraction mode, be strong and realign yourself. Growth is not automatic. Neither is success.